Loan installment and interest suspension - COVID-19

Our News / Loan installment and interest suspension - COVID-19

01 Apr 2020

Bank responding to the adverse conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and based on the Decree issued by the Ministry of Finance on 30 March 2020, amended on 7th May 2020, under which the obligation to pay installments on facilities granted by financial institutions, including the relevant interest, is suspended for the entities considered Eligible* who wish so, would like to inform you of the following.


28 Aug 2021

Fitch warns of Cyprus banks risk

Fitch said the small Cypriot economy and the private sector have a lot of leverage (private debt was 210% of GDP end...

19 Mar 2021

Good news from Rating agency, that Cyprus ‘will recover in 2H2021’

The Cyprus economy will recover in the second half of 2021 and the economic and fiscal disruption caused by the...

01 Nov 2020

Capital Intelligence affirms Hellenic Bank’s ratings

International credit rating agency Capital Intelligence has affirmed the long term and short-term ratings of Hellenic...

01 Sep 2020

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